Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I have a water feature in my garden. Listening to the sound of running water always inspires peace. Yesterday while drinking coffee in the garden and listening to the water I got to thinking how wonderful water is. It is a miracle. Made chemically from hydrogen, the simplest element and probably the first one around, and oxygen, a much more advanced element but so necessary for life on earth. Oxygen must have been around before water.

Before anything was created (or evolved if that is your faith view), there would have had to be water. All living things are made primarily of water, plant, animal and unicellular organisms. Water keeps us alive. Water comes down from the sky in the form or rain (mostly) and gives life to earth. Primary school children learn about the water cycle. No new water is created. It is all recycled by the process of evaporation and condensation.

Water is the only compound known that if you cool it, does not continue to contract. At 4 degrees C it reaches its most dense then if it is cooled further, it begins to expand. That is why ice floats on water. It is unique in this respect.

God is like water. The Father, the author of life is the liquid form, available everywhere, giving life and sustaining life. The Son is the solid form, ice. Under certain circumstances ice becomes solid. We can handle with our hands, pick up, break and manipulate ice. The Holy Spirit is steam, not always visible but powerful in action. Think of steam turbines. One substance but three phases.

Water is a miracle. Water is life.

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