Friday, May 2, 2014

To Charlotte with love.

Dear Charley,
At this stage we don't whether you are going to make it or not. You have had a major heart operation, two days ago you went into multi organ failure. Your kidneys have stopped working and dialysis is not helping anymore. So much has happened to you in your short 5 months of life.   You have spent more time in hospital than out.   You were born with Down Syndrome and 4 heart defects.
Are you aware of how much you are loved? Do you know how many people are praying for you?
Although you have done nothing good or clever and can barely breathe on your own, your parents and sister love you more than you can ever imagine. People you don't even know were willing to donate platelets for you. You parents love you because you are their daughter and because of who they. They will do almost anything to keep you with them.
In the same way, our Heavenly Father loves us, not because we are good or have kept all the commandments, not because we have done or can do anything to earn His favour, but merely because we are his children. We are sin-sick and helpless to cure ourselves but He will do anything to keep us with Him forever......and He did.
"For God loved the world so much, that He gave His only Son so that Whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting Life."
Charley, you are an inspiration to us all. We are begging God for a miracle and we long to see you healthy and growing. You have already enriched the world and we love you.  Be strong little angel.

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