I was reading in Mark 10 today. On two occasions Jesus asked somebody "What do you want me to do for you?" The first was to James and John who asked him to do for them whatever they asked, I assume it was the equivilaent of asking him to do them a favour. They wanted to be at his right and left in his new kingdom. This is not necessarily a bad request. It meant that they wanted to be near him, involved with him, believed in his cause and were willing to put in the necessary work for him. What they probably also envisioned was to get a bit of the glory, a bit of the fame, to be seen as leaders in the new kingdom.
Their request was denied.
The second was blind Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus. He asked to be able to see. He asked for the removal of the genetic or accidental defect that prevented him from living an abundant and full life. He did not ask for fame or even for the privilege of being close to Jesus or for any kind of ministry. His request was granted. Nowhere does it say he spent the rest of his life living for the lord, perhaps he did and perhaps he didn't but he lived a more abundant life and the glory of God is man fully alive. He got fame too. Wherever the gospel is read his name is mentioned - after more than 2000 years people know something about him.
The question is, if Jesus stood in front of you and gave you his full attention and asked "What would you like me to do for you?" What would be your answer?